Applications for private coaching with Naomi in 2025 are officially open!

I’m Naomi!

Founder of The Lifestyle Edit:

An online education company committed to turning online service providers, coaches and educators into deeply profitable and fulfilled CEOs

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

I’ve served well over 5,000+ students

I’ve built a
multi-7 figure company working a 3-day work week

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

And more importantly, my students collectively generate multi-7 figures in annual revenue, while reducing their work hours

because of the work we do together

In my world, we do business differently.

We optimize for profit, sure – but that’s the baseline, not the ceiling.

I support entrepreneurs who value freedom.

Smart and highly capable coaches, educators and service providers who, like me, view autonomy, holistic wellbeing and the capacity & resources to show up deeply in their lives as true markers of success.

I sat down and documented my entire process – and everything I’ve learned over the past decade about the action steps to make that a reality – and the result is Life-First Business.


Even the most capable entrepreneurs get stuck because they’re overwhelmed by all the things they could or should do, in a way that makes them fall asleep to what they ultimately want in order to get there.

This is what happens when you don’t start with what matters first and intentionally build a business model around it.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

It’s the difference between waking up one day and realizing, “I don’t want to do this anymore, nor am I where I want to be, and I can’t get the time back”, versus building something thoughtfully that feels and operates in a way that deeply nourishes and provides for you

I know this because I had that rude awakening; and it’s what budged me to change course and become a conduit for this work.

Learning how to build a business that actually supports the vision I have for my life is what’s allowed me to feel excited and passionate about my work, almost 10 years in.

It’s allowed me to generate millions of dollars and create generational wealth for my family.

It unlocked the capacity to be present with kids, invest in my relationships and cultivate a loving relationship with my husband for the last 9 years and counting.

It’s what’s made it possible to prioritize my health and wellbeing and spend my days however I feel called to.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

But let me be clear, I’m not superwoman, nor is everything perfect. 

I have limitations on my time, my life is full, things happen and I battle so many of the challenges that you do.

All I’ve done is build my business in a way that allows it to thrive amidst it all.

When you look back on it all, what do you want to remember?

Being glued to your phone and permanently in a state of doing, pushing and striving or time spent in full alignment with your values professionally and personally…

The time is going to pass anyway. You get to choose how you use it.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

My commitment to you is that I will always go first

I experiment with what works and what doesn’t and then report back with honest recommendations on what you need (and when you need it) so you can create a profitable business you absolutely love.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

Free Resources To Help Elevate Your Business

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


Create my first offer

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


Sell out my offer

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


Prepare My Business To Scale

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


Have A Quarterly Plan

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


Create Systems & Automations

My Favorite Tools & Software

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

We use it to direct traffic from our social media posts into our sales event in an automated way. That looks like using a trigger word that people can comment in the caption, which triggers an automated DM that shares the link to register for our sales event.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

This is one of the most powerful analytics tools we use. It basically allows you to see how users interact with your website, sales and registration pages to really understand behavior analytics to improve your copy, messaging and positioning. It’s been a game changer for us and I recommend all of my students in the refine and scale phase to use it.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

We also use Typeform to get insights as new people join our email list. We use Typeform here just because it flows better aesthetically from our sign up page

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

This is the platform we use to host our private podcast, UNCUT. We upload the episodes and they automatically get pushed to our members’ podcast app of choice.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

One of our most successful funnels is our quiz funnel. We host it on Interact because their analytics are far better than the others – especially for the price – which allows us to make improvements that increase our conversion rate without reinventing the wheel.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

ConvertKit is our email service provider of choice. All of our newsletters are created there, along with all of our funnels and onboarding sequences for students.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

We sell our signature offer via a webinar and it’s hosted on Easy Webinar. Once people register, they automatically get entered into an email sequence with reminders about the webinar that are sent directly from Easy Webinar so from registration to the event, all of those moving pieces take place via the platform.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

We use Kajabi for all of our various pages from landing pages to transaction pages – as well as for hosting all of our online education – so that people can seamlessly go from making a payment to accessing what they paid for. We also recently started using Kajabi for the private podcast for our LFB alumni membership, Traction.

Want to learn the other resources powering my business?


How to create sustainable high cash months that put your lifestyle and life first in your coaching or online business

Three things stopping coaches from achieving this – and a step-by-step guide to what you need to do instead to focus on what truly matters.

A few of the things I answer to:
The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

I built my business to 7 figures selling high ticket offers. 

It was highly rewarding working with people intimately but I ultimately decided to simplify and focus on turning that expertise into a high-touch digital product that can reach more people. 

Now I’m keeping things simple and profitable with a tiny 2-person team, serving students inside Life-First Business and out alumni membership, Traction.

Nothing I teach is theory. It’s been amassed by doing it – and from a combination of my lived experience and supporting businesses of all shapes and sizes to grow and scale.

A few of the things I answer to:


The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

I was born and raised in London but now live in Brooklyn with my New York-native hubby Michael and our two kids.

I credit the business I have today – and the way it feels – to my children. 

For the first time in my life, working harder wasn’t the fail-safe answer. And as I imagined what I wanted not only for me, but for them, it gave me the courage and the compelling “why” to create what you see today.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


I feel blessed to have mentored many brilliant founders and CEOs you likely know and follow today.

Entrepreneurs come to me when they’re ready to work smarter, while also getting the energetic support to move through limiting beliefs and old stories in order to step into their infinite potential.

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business


I’ve loved writing for as long as I can remember and you’ll typically find me reading books, buying books or thinking about books. And it’s that love of books that spurred my love of writing.

Shortly after graduating, I landed my first role as a fashion editor at a leading London newspaper – the youngest person to hold a senior writing position at a UK national paper. I went on to write and style for magazines and newspapers, and then with fashion and lifestyle brands creating 360 marketing campaigns.


Training, Talks, and On-Stage Events

Bringing a unique blend of legal expertise and entrepreneurial spirit, my events are more than just educational; they’re interactive experiences designed to empower and enlighten. Book me for your next event and let’s transform complex legal concepts into accessible, actionable knowledge.

Let’s chat on the airwaves! If you’re looking for a guest who can demystify legal jargon, share tips on contract essentials, and get deep into the latest in evergreen marketing and funnels, I got you. Reach out to me, and let’s create an engaging and informative episode your audience will love.

Every Tool And Resource Powering My 7-Figure Business

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business
A cheat sheet of the tools and systems that I have to scale revenue and profits, without scaling my time.

Try Kajabi for FREE for 14-days

The Lifestyle Edit | Start, Grow And Scale An Online Business

Want to hear more
about my story?

Want to hear more about my story?

Sign up below and I’ll shoot you a podcast episode that walks you through my entire journey from my transition from publishing to getting started, through to growing and scaling the business.